Visit from VNO-NCW and the European Biosolutions Coalition!

Last Wednesday, Gabino Sanchez-Perez, Lena Maas, and Inge van Bussel had the pleasant visit of Tim Zandbergen, Thomas Grosfeld, Marit Hvithamar Rystrøm, Frederik van Til, and Sofie Carsten Nielsen from the European Biosolutions Coalition.

As indicated on their website: ‘The purpose of the European Biosolutions Coalition is to highlight the importance of streamlining the regulatory framework for biosolutions, in the EU and member states.’

We had a great talk about the barriers we run into as a plant biotech company, the barriers we see that our (European) customers have, and how the coalition can collaborate to fix these. It will most likely still take a few years…but we are all optimistic that there has to be a green light to work with biosolutions, of which both our CRISPR-genome editing (saving so many years!) and nanoparticles, Plentrance™, are a part!