Professor Enrico Mastrobattista, full professor of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology & Delivery at the department of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Utrecht University, joins the Scientific Advisory Board of Hudson River Biotechnology (HRB).
Prof. Mastrobattista’s expertise lies in drug delivery, pharmaceutical biotechnology and nanobiotechnology. He currently leads a research program to develop biomimetic drug delivery systems for the targeted delivery of proteins, peptides and nucleic acids at the nano-scale. Prof. Mastrobattista has published over 120 scientific articles, contributed to several book chapters in pharmaceutical biotechnology, and holds several patents to his name. He has received a Vici and Vidi grant and has been awarded the prestigious Prix Galien Research Award for his work on drug delivery.
As a member of HRB’s Scientific Advisory Board, Professor Mastrobattista will advise HRB on the developments surrounding our nanoparticle delivery systems.
Read the full press release here: